Learn How To Make $200 A Week From Home

There are plenty of Kiwi’s that what to know how to make $200 a week from home, but unfortunately many of the ways are going to take a huge effort, a large investment or are not legit.

This is where this idea is different.

Firstly, we are talking about selling real products on New Zealand’s number one marketplace – Trade Me.

Trade Me is a marketplace with buyers looking to spend money on real products, so the plan is to be able to source products that people want. We take this one step further, giving you the ability to sell products that you can access from a wholesaler but only after you have already made the sale and been paid.

This is an example of what we mean…

You list this product for sale for $39.95, and when you make a sale you pay Trade Me the success fee and the balance is paid to you. Once the money is received you complete the purchase of the product via the wholesaler and they ship the products directly.

In this case you bank the profit of $8.44

List Multiple Products

With Trade Me every seller is given a listing allowance of 50 listings, so the main thing is to list up to 50 products and therefore give yourself the chance to sell more products each week.

Once you have a history of making sales you might receive a larger listing allowance based on your total sales.

If you want to make $200 a week from home then using this products as an example you need to make about three sales a day.

Of course this is just one example, and there are some products that will give you much larger profits.

The Secret To Success With Trade Me

If your aim is to make $200 a week from home then Trade Me offers a really simple and ethical way to do this. You are not really selling, but instead list products and wait for people to buy from you.

Most Kiwi’s have used Trade Me and already have an account, so it’s not like you are trying to establish if it is going to work … you already know it does.

The secret we are sharing with you is the free software and access to wholesale products.

The free software helps you manage the listings, and keep renewing the listings over and over. It links with your Trade Me account and will list up to the 50 free listings that you are allowed, or at a level that you select.

Access to wholesale products is the really big thing that will change things for you. We have managed to negotiate free access to an online wholesalers (Easywholesale) even for newbies. This opens up the opportunity to choose products to list of over 3000 individual products.

You can also join our exclusive Facebook support group where we discuss ideas that are working, advise of new products that are available via Easywholesale and we can also discuss the wins and the challenges. It’s nice to know that you will not be on your own.

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